Sustainability of Heritage Neighborhoods in Kathmandu


Abstract— This paper critically examines the role of heritage in the development of Kathmandu in the past and raises the question of sustainability of its numerous neighborhoods in the wake of modern changes and increasing pressure on them.  It depicts the ongoing conflicts between their conservation and modern ways of living.  It explores the ways of linking urban management issues with the emerging concept of their sustainability. It draws some lessons from the experiences and pleads for integrating heritage resources for creating sustainable neighborhoods. It highlights the potentials of using the experience of Kathmandu in shaping new developments or in the renewal of traditional towns and shows how cities should be managed in the context of inclusiveness and sustainability.

Index Terms—Heritage, inclusive design, livability sustainable neighborhoods.

Jibgar Joshi born in Kathmandu on December 1, 1948, is an urban and regional planner. He got the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering with honors in 1971 from Jadavpur University, Calcutta. He later studied economics and law; and received the degree of B. L. in 1975 and M.A. in 1974 from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. He obtained his PhD in 1981 from Tribhuwan university; the title of his dissertation being regional planning with special reference to Nepal.. He was a Humphrey/SPURS Fellow at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT during the year 1987/88. He received P. G. Diploma in Housing, Planning and Building from IHS, Rotterdam in 1983.

He offers courses to M.Sc. students at Urban Planning Program, Institute of Engineering and SchEMS. He also supervises thesis works of Master’s students. He is a freelance consultant and has just completed his assignment with an ADB TA project as an urban development and landuse specialist.  His current research interests include urbanization and inclusive development.

Dr. Joshi is life member and former president of Regional and Urban Planners’ Society of Nepal. He is a life member of Nepal Engineers Association. He is also a life member and former president of Nepal Association of Humphrey Fellows. He is the author of more than eight books and many research papers. His books include: Housing and Urban Development in Nepal, 2013, Managing Environment and Cities for Sustainable Development 2011, Regional Strategy for Development: A case study of Nepal, 1985.